On 17-20 June, 2015 a meeting on “Contribution of Mongolia, the Russian federation and the People’s republic of China to strengthening international peace and security” took place in Ulaanbaatar city. During this meeting issues such as international peace, security, cooperation between the 3 countries, policies to strengthen trust between the neighboring countries, cooperation,
environmental challenges, ecological security, territorial integrity of the countries, human rights,provisions for freedom and other global issues were discussed. Democracy, human rights, under the umbrella term of the fight against terrorism issues such as
provocation by expansion, attacks of urban zones, loss of human life are issues the world continues to face today. During these challenging times maintaining peace and provision of security or ordinary citizens via peaceful means has become unceasingly necessary. During the meeting the participants expanded on the positions they hold regarding these issues and exchanged ideas. One of the main tenants of the Peace and Friendship Organization of Mongolia is to increase civil society participation in the implementation of foreign policy. The opening speech was made by the President of PFOM, the main organizer of the event, Mr. D.
Zagdjav. He has remarked that “Mongolia is making a great effort to contribute to resolving issues faced by the international community”. Dr. Prof. J.Enkhsaikhan made a presentation on “Duties of the 3 countries to strengthen international peace, security and international cooperation”. The coordinator of international programs V.A.Petrov also presented, he has blamed the US, stating: “There are many threats to international peace. We must unite our voices against these threats. The most peaceful countries today Greece and Cyprus are facing a recession this is a direct result of Obama’s policies. We are appalled that the USA has spent 13billion USD on military conflict. This is an obvious ploy of destabilizing countries economically for the implementation of their own agenda. Anarchism has already established itself in Libya.” However, “There is an old saying in Chinese that goes ‘build new things without destroying the old’ and they are showcasing that logic in their economic policy” he has stated. He has also mentioned that the position of Mongolia, the PRC and the Russian Federation regarding their main interests are taking a certain direction regardless via the Silk Route connecting Europe and Asia, rail links and other infrastructure mentioned during the meeting. The Secretary of the Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament Mr. Tao Tao made the following
speech: “The PRC maintains a policy of mutually beneficial cooperation with neighboring countries. This allows for stable and long-term cooperation between the countries” he has highlighted. “The PRC’s foreign policy is known for maintaining its self-interest as well as being beneficial to others, productive and being a positive influence. Civil participation in cooperation
between neighboring countries sharing mountains and water is high” he has noted. In addition, the PRC will continue to maintain a peaceful stance regarding issues of international disputes, terrorism and its opposition against arms. As a result the participants representing Mongolia, the PRC and the Russian Federation have agreed to sign a “Declaration” stating their positions regarding these issues at their next meeting.
The meeting was initiated by the Mongolian side in 2014 during the “High-level peace meeting of China and South-East Asian countries”, organized to coincide with the International Peace Day in Si An, China where the representatives of the three countries agreed to meet on an annual basis. This meeting is to be regarded as the second meeting and took place in Ulaanbaatar.
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